Rare Berbagi Informasi tentang Rencana Konten Masa Depan untuk Sea of Thieves

Rare berbagi update dengan komunitas Sea of Thieves tentang peta jalan pengembangan yang akan datang untuk game ini. Developer telah memutuskan untuk menempatkan Pets and Ship Captaincy pada backburner untuk fokus menambahkan lebih banyak konten ke game, yang merupakan salah satu keluhan terbesar yang dibuat terhadap judul Rare. Di bawah ini kamu dapat menemukan detail serta video di mana pengembang Rare mendiskusikan rencana mereka.

Our first content update, The Hungering Deep, will release in May and bring with it a new AI threat to the world. Crews will have to work together to discover and defeat this threat as part of a unique event. We will also be introducing a number of new mechanics to assist players on this adventure, and there will be unique rewards that players can earn as part of this event. Beyond this, we will begin our weekly events programme during May, where we introduce new mechanics and give players fun new ways to play with weekly events and rewards. In the summer months, we’ll debut two more content updates with Cursed Sails, which will include a new ship type, and Forsaken Shores, which will introduce players to a perilous new part of the world to explore. Similarly to The Hungering Deep, both of these updates will also include new gameplay mechanics for players, new AI threats to challenge and new unique rewards to claim.
  • Bringing players together in interesting ways, encouraging different types of player encounters
  • Enriching the world that players adventure in
  • Giving players new ways to play
  • Giving players a variety of goals and rewards
  • Broadening the journey to Pirate Legend and beyond

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